Posted at 07:16 PM in Television | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Ever since your friend, Sadie, introduced you to the television show Doc McStuffins, Mommy and I have been subjected to numerous checkups at the hands of a less-than-gentle, exceptionally repetitive, demanding doctor named Clara.
The checkups are almost always identical in terms of what you do, what you discover and what you prescribe, and while it can be unbelievably cute at times, the sixth checkup of the afternoon can begin to get a little old.
I never thought I’d say it, but I miss Dinosaur Train.
Posted at 11:41 AM in Behavior, Television | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Mommy had breakfast with a friend this morning, little one. Her name is Grace, and she is currently living in Taiwan.
When Mommy picked you up from school, she had a gift for you from Grace. It was a small handbag. “Grace brought this all the way from Taiwan,” Mommy said.
“Where is Taiwan?” you asked.
“It’s in China.”
“Oh,” you said. “The Wall’s there, too.”
Hooray for Super Grover, who helped a chicken pole vault over the Great Wall of China. You really learn a lot from Sesame Street.
Posted at 08:17 PM in Television | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Mommy and I think Barney and Friends is a dumb television show, little one.
Granted we have never actually watched the program, but we can just tell.
In an effort to keep the show from ever polluting our television, Mommy has poisoned your mind by making derisive comments about the program whenever possible.
It worked.
When Sesame Street ended this morning and a preview for Barney and Friends came on, you pointed at the television and said, “That purple T-rex is yucky!” and then pretended to spit on the ground. “A-puh! A-puh! A-puh!”
I find myself feeling both exceedingly proud of your taste in television, little one, and a little dirty at the same time.
Posted at 09:24 PM in Television | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Sometimes a couch and a couple pillows just aren’t good enough, little one.
Sometimes you require a couple of carefully chosen friends, a strategically placed umbrella, a well worn winter hat and your favorite red chair in order to enjoy Sesame Street.
I fear you are going to be extremely high maintenance, little one.
Posted at 03:55 AM in Television | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
You’re a big fan of the Three Little Pigs, little one.
Gramps first taught you the story with the help of the Three Little Pigs houses that he gave to you.
Then it was reinforced through repeated viewings of the story on The Wonder Pets.
Lately we have been reading an odd, morally ambiguous but otherwise entertaining version of the story to you in which the wolf appears at the door of the brick house wearing sheepskin.
Now we hear you acting out your own version of the story quite often, with a variety of other animals and little people getting involved from time to time.
Posted at 05:41 AM in Books, Play, Television | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
"Crocodiles lay eggs because they are reptiles." - Clara, age 3.
Mommy and I cannot stand the television program Wild Animal Baby Explorers. The characters are extremely annoying and the music is painful.
Yet it is apparently quite educational, little one. You love the live footage of the animals, and the annoying characters don’t seem to bother you.
As long as you’re learning, I’ll put up with it. For now.
Posted at 10:12 PM in Television | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)