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A little late, little ones, but video can sometimes take some time.
In your future, I’m sure this will not be the case.
I could not have completed this puzzle in three hours, little one.
On your first try, without any assistance from us, you had it finished in under 30 minutes.
Apparently you managed to avoid my visual-spatial issues.
I’m so jealous.
Your most recent baby doll names include Moocha, Chooch and Huta, little one.
We have absolutely no idea where you get these ideas.
You’re not exactly eating on your own yet, little one, but this is a start!
While reading a story about a prince and a princess falling in love and living happily ever after, Clara said, “I’ll stay with Charlie. I’m going to fall in love with him.”
We’re pretty sure she already has, little ones.
It wasn’t much, but still, it’s a slide, little one.
The crib beside Charlie’s crib was left there by Clara, little ones, because she did not want Charlie to be napping alone.
If you look closely, you’ll see that there’s a baby in the crib.
Big sister taking care of baby brother.