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Have I mentioned how often you snap your fingers, little one?
Almost every time you hear music, your thumb and index finger come together, and though you’re not capable of making a snap, it’s incredibly cute. Sometimes you even snap fingers on both hands.
Nani reported seeing you snap your fingers one day while in your car seat, driving around town. Only after she saw you snapping did she realized that the car at the light beside you was blaring music out of it’s window.
Last night you were snapping your fingers to the gentle sounds of your grandparents’ Japanese music box.
And almost every night at dinner, you can be found snapping your fingers to the music that we play.
We still find your waving to Paul and Judy in PAT THE BUNNY to be one of the cutest things that you do, but snapping your fingers to the music might be a close second.
Posted at 07:58 PM in Behavior, Music | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tonight we all joined Nani and Gramps in the Berkshires for Passover dinner, little one. You were a little too young to read from the Haggadah, and you weren't ready to search for the afikoman, but Nani bought you a Passover book that you enjoyed very much while Gramps led in the reading (continually asking of we were listening), Nani hurried him along, Mommy kept you happy and I attempted to be as respectful as possible of these religious traditions.
It was actually a lot of fun. Nani and Gramps are always entertaining, and the matzah ball soup was great.
I’m hoping to find the time to write my own Haggadah someday, perhaps before you’re old enough to read. We have a couple of Jewish friends living in Tennessee who think it’s a great idea, and I do, too. Passover Daddy-style would certainly be interesting!
After dinner, Gramps pulled out some toys that Mommy played with as a child, including a Japanese music box and an ancient rocking horse of sorts, among others.
I don’t think your grandparents have ever thrown away a single thing, and for once, I am glad. You loved both toys a bunch and spent the evening smiling, laughing, crawling, and enjoying time with your grandparents.
I think that seeing those old toys also brought back some great memories for Mom.
I was a little jealous. There’s very little that I still have from my childhood. One stuffed animal and that might be it.
I intend to do much more for you, little one!
Merry Passover!
Posted at 09:45 PM in Holidays | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Tonight Mommy and I literally spent the evening watching you, little one.
Two years ago, we would have likely spent a Saturday night with dinner and a movie. Maybe even a show at the Bushnell, a ballgame or a concert.
Now we sit on the floor in the living room, watching you fiddle with puzzles, browse through books, drag around a yellow school bus, move little people into and out of a plastic barn, and push walkers around the room while smiling from ear to ear.
Who would have ever thought that this could be more entertaining than a night on the town?
But oddly enough, it is. It was a great night.
Posted at 08:36 PM in Parenting | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Thirty minutes after the school day had ended, I was still in the classroom, preparing for the next day, when photos arrived on my phone via email of one of my students holding you in her arms.
See the problem?
Thirty minutes before, this young lady had been sitting at her desk, listening to my final instructions before the bell rang, and now, while I continued to toil away at work, she was at home, playing with you.
I found this to be very upsetting, little one.
Posted at 09:27 PM in Dad | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Your latest word, little one: Yeah.
Want some banana? “Yeah.”
Want to go and see Mommy? “Yeah.”
Want to brush your teeth? “Yeah.”
We’re not sure if you understand every question we ask, but your standard response is silence or “Yeah.”
So cute.
Posted at 09:20 PM in Speech | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
We went to dinner at Friendly’s this evening, little one. And despite the atrocious service and terrible table (with a perfect view of the kitchen and the men’s room), we had a blast because you were with us. You ate crackers for the first time, smiled at everyone in the restaurant, and spent a good deal of time coloring.
Nothing better than an evening with our little girl!
Posted at 09:02 PM in Firsts, Food and Drink | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Posted at 08:47 PM in Food and Drink | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Mommy and I took you for an early morning visit to the duck pond on Saturday morning, little one. We fed the ducks and geese at pond, though you were not pleased. Since you also enjoy bread, you could not fathom the wanton disregard for food that would be perfectly suitable for your use. I was forced to feed you as well in order to keep you happy.
After feeding the ducks, we went over to the playground for some fun. You love the newly-discovered bubble, and the slide continues to be a favorite. We spent about half an hour playing on the equipment before it was time to head home for a nap.
You had been awake for almost three hours, so naturally, you were exhausted.
Posted at 09:15 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)