This is about six days late, but it’s time for your six month update, little one.
It’s been a month of amazing growth, little one, starting with your ability to sit up and play with toys in front of you. You’re still good for an occasional topple, but it’s great to see you up and grabbing your feet, grabbing at toys, and grabbing at all things electronic. You’ve even made some half-hearted attempts to crawl, pulling yourself onto your stomach when something is out of reach.
As I mentioned before, you’ve also started eating solid foods and drinking sips of apple juice and water from my glass. You’ve currently eaten rice cereal, avocado, oatmeal, and tomorrow you’ll start in with sweet potatoes. You seem to like everything so far, much to your mother’s relief. She feared that your palate might resemble mine.
I don’t eat avocado or sweet potatoes, and though I should be eating oatmeal to lower my cholesterol and actually like the stuff, I never seem to get around to it.
With the exception of last night, you’ve been sleeping about nine hours a night without interruption, which has been delightful for Mommy and me, and you’re going to bed much easier, crying for 5-10 minutes before quieting down. From time to time, you’ll even go down without a fuss. You’re also good for at least a couple naps a day and usually more, and you often wake up happy and refreshed and fun to be around.
Speaking of being happy, you are an extremely happy baby, little one, and it’s often the first thing people say when they see you. In fact, you barely ever cry. You may whine when you are unhappy, but as for a genuine cry, these moments are few and far between. In fact, Mommy has yet to see tears in your eyes, and I have only seen them once.
We are very lucky.
You’re also prone to fits of giggles now, moving past a simple, two second laugh to a genuine chuckle that goes on and on. I have yet to provoke such a reaction from you, but Mommy is especially adept at this.
It’s one of the best sounds that I’ve ever heard.
You have no teeth yet, little one, but you have grown quite fond of the frozen chew toys that are ready for when we see that first tooth. A frozen butterfly chew toy is your current favorite, but anything cold, including ice cubes wrapped in a cloth napkin, is acceptable and usually appreciated. You also continue to chew on my nose with great zest. Enjoy this while you can, because when you have teeth, this will be all over.
You’re also quite capable of entertaining yourself in your bouncy seat, exersaucer or play mat for up to an hour at a time. This is good. Kids who require constant entertainment from their parents annoy me. Avoid this behavior if at all possible.
I’ll love you either way, but still…
Of course, not all is roses.
You’ve begun to react negatively when Mommy or I take something like a remote control or an iPhone away from you, whining and grabbing for it. In the past we could easily distract you with a kiss on your cheek or a tummy tickle, but now you are much more aware of your surroundings, and when you want something, it’s difficult to deter you.
And your fascination for the computer continues, making it almost impossible for me to write with you on my lap.
Your mom also had foot surgery this month, and so she spent a couple days on crutches and has been hobbling around ever since. It’s tough on her. She wants nothing more than to toss you into the stroller and take you for long walks, but walking is something she hasn’t been able to do very well ever since you were born. But hopefully the surgery will clear this up and the two of you can spend lots of time outside in the fall, watching the leaves change color.
It’s been a great six months, little one, more fun than I could have ever imagined, and much easier than the stern and foreboding warnings of many. I find myself wondering what you will do next to surprise me and am watching closely, waiting for that next big step.
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