There are two reasons why an action is deemed polite or well mannered, little one:
1. In your mind and heart, you know your words and actions are polite and can clearly express why.
2. Other people and/or tradition have deemed certain words or actions as polite or impolite.
It is my sincerest hope that you will always listen to your mind and heart, little one, and ignore the judgment and determinations of others. There is a large proportion of society who is quite invested in adhering to the thoughts and ideas of others and of the collective. These are the people who follow tradition for tradition-sake, who are overly concerned (and often obsessed) with what others will think of them, and who find comfort and peace in the mindless adherence to cultural norms.
These people are not free thinkers, little one. They do not change the world, and rarely do they even leave a mark on it.
Reject this, little one.
Case in point: Your mother and I send a holiday card to our friends and family every December, but unlike many, we email this card (which your mother designs). Though emailing a card is a much greener option than using the US Postal Service, saving in both paper and fuel, as well as the photo-developing chemicals that so many of today’s cards require, this is not why we initially decided to email our holiday cards. I’m pleased that our decision happens to be eco-friendly, but initially, we simply found email to be easier, less expensive, and more effective.
In sending our card through email, more of our friends and family receive it, and oftentimes we receive responses from our recipients, allowing us to engage in dialogue. I sent our holiday card out last night around 11 PM, and already I have responses from six people, some of whom wanted to compliment Mommy on her design and others who wanted to say hello and check in on us.
As I type this, another response just came in.
Rather than simply sending a photograph of the baby and the family dog, we send a card that allows recipients to respond in a meaningful way. Our card does not end up stuck to the refrigerator for a week and then thrown away. Oftentimes it leads to communication between friends, and when it is finally deleted, there is no waste left behind.
It’s a great way to send a card, but many people still find this option uncouth and ill mannered. Even those who like the idea often couldn’t bring themselves to do the same, fearful about what other might think or say about them. To send a card through email, in their minds, demonstrates an unwillingness to spend the time, effort and small expense required to send a card that will almost assuredly be added to a landfill by January.
If everyone decided to send a card by email, or if Oprah, Martha Stewart, or the Dalai Lama declared emailing holiday cards to be trendy and hip and ultra-green, then these same people would jump on the bandwagon in an instant, emailing holidays cards to everyone they know, but to do something that makes sense, regardless of what others may think, is beyond the capacity of many.
Don’t be like this, little one. Mommy and I want you to be an independent thinker, a trend setter, and self assured. We want you to choose your own path, regardless of what might be fashionable, popular, trendy, or traditional.
In short, little one, we want you to be you, and not some facsimile of what society and tradition dictate.
Does this make sense, little one? I hope so. Rejecting tradition, standing alone, and doing what you believe is right and just in your heart isn’t easy, but it’s my greatest source of happiness.
I hope it is yours as well.