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August 22, 2008


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It could be that there are two types of parents, one that feels that they are doing a good job parenting and another that are just happy that none of their decisions have led to any overly egregious results. The latter group is probably much more likely to laugh off criticisms. I think I had originally (originally meaning here "before I had kids") thought I would be in the former category, but as it turns out, I am quite shocked that some of my decisions have not had worse repurcussions than they did. It must be that Nature knows that we're idiots, and the only safeguard against us completely screwing up the next generation is to endow our children with sufficient self-raising capabilities.

"simply because she does not play a musical instrument or sing doesn’t mean that her opinions on music are invalid"

Well, in many cases, even people who know how to play an instrument have invalid opinions of music. I would argue that someone who has not spent the time studying or at least critically evaluating music can not judge it beyond being able to say "I like this and don't like that."

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